The snow has pretty much gone and the early flowers are a bloomin but April and May are perfect months to get "some good" quilting done.
Dig out a project that got put aside, after the sled came out, and look it over.
That is all. Just look.
Maybe you could organize the pieces into little mini projects and decide which one you would do first.
Then take a deep breath and exhale............ Begin that first step. This is how I get to old projects. One step at a time.
You don't have to commit.
Just don't put it away. Keep it out.
Only that one.
Don't go gettin everything you ever started out!!!!
Just this one.
I believe that this no pressure approach allows the soul to fall back in love with the project. You begin to feel good about it. It is now something you are excited about and the dread has vanished.
Really! Do it!