I have been tucked away safely at home, recuperating from my breast reduction surgery since July 4. So......July has been lazy, hazy days of summer filled with naps and being waited on by DH (darling husband). You know, as good as that sounds, I really hate being down when there are so many projects that I want to be working on. My surgeon says that I can go back to work and I am anxious to get to the shop and see what is new!
One thing, that I am looking forward to doing, is setting up a display featuring Joan's Own Creations patterns. Perhaps you have noticed the small quilt hanging in my shop, a doll house called Home Sweet Home? Well, Joan Stantz of Joan's Own Creations is the designer of that pattern and many more! She is a Canadian and lived in Calgary when I did. I remember going to the Sewing Festival and seeing her samples and patterns and then I had the privilege of taking her Appliquilting class before I moved home. (Just think, if I hadn't taken this opportunity I probably would have missed out). I am so impressed with her work. Some people think that I do good machine applique. If you like mine, you are going to love hers! I contacted her recently and she has loaned me some samples to go with the patterns that I ordered. The display, featuring Canadian artists,"Oh Canada, Our Land of Quilts" will be on display at The Christmas Crab Quiltery until August 30.
By the way, I am offering a Machine Applique Class in September. This would be a great class for those who want to do one of Joan's Own patterns or those who want to do the new BOM It's A Dollies Life starting in September.